Sell Used Licenses with Software Recycling

Software Recycling offers an ‘all in one’ solution for realising a value from your disused Microsoft perpetual volume software licences . By selling/trading in / divesting your disused Microsoft software assets, your company can recapitalise its initial investment and use the funds to reinvest in the business.

There are many reasons why your company may have software licences that it no longer uses or needs: move to the Cloud, reduced headcount, merger, acquisition or you may have migrated to a more recent version.

Before we are able to make a formal offer to purchase your used / surplus Microsoft volume software assets, we must be able to check that the software is legally transferable. The following information would be required and is obtainable from the Volume Licences Service Centre and/or a Microsoft Licensing Statement.

1. What licences do you wish to sell? (Product, Version, Edition & Quantity)
2. What type of licences do you have? (Enterprise, Select, MPSA or Open)
3. What is the company name of the licence holder (Name on Agreement)
4. Which country(s) was the agreement(s) purchased and where were the licences first ‘put into use’?
5. When are your disused Microsoft software licences available to sell?

If you have surplus software, complete and send our Procurement Enquiry Form or alternatively call/email us today:

Make Enquiry